Protesters in London voiced their strong opposition to a controversial BBC documentary centered on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, expressing deep concerns about its potential to sow discord within the Indian Hindu and Muslim communities residing in England.The demonstrations in...
Chris Hipkins assumed office as New Zealand's 41st prime minister, succeeding Jacinda Ardern, whose unexpected resignation came last week.Aged 44, Hipkins has pledged to adopt a "back-to-basics" approach, prioritizing economic concerns, particularly addressing what he termed the "pandemic of...
According to sources reported by news agencies, the United States and Germany are set to send heavy tanks to Ukraine, a move that Ukrainian officials claim will reshape the ongoing conflict with Russia.
Just hours before his 45th birthday, Ukrainian...
In a report released Wednesday, the World Economic Forum highlighted climate change as the most pressing long-term challenge facing the global economy. However, the report noted that the world is ill-prepared to address this issue due to immediate concerns,...
According to a report by a news magazine, Ukraine has claimed that Russia has suffered significant losses, with nearly 117,000 troops eliminated since the full-scale invasion began in February 2022. This figure surpasses the total number of American casualties...